Information technology (IT) is an important enabler of effective supply chain management. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Business (e-business) have brought innovative opportunities to SCM and have caused more interest of IT in SCM. This paper brings out the issues betwe...
The impact of information technology on supply chain capabilities and firm performance: A resource-based view 2006. The impact of information technology on supply chain capabilities and firm performance: A resource-based view. Industrial Marketing Management, 35(4):... W Fang,S Yeniyurt,D Kim,....
供应链管理中的信息共享问题研究(Researchoninformation sharinginsupplychainmanagement) Undertheenvironmentofsupplychainmanagementinformation riskgenerallyreferstotheasymmetricinformationor incompleteandotherreasonsfortheenterprisetorealizethe negativeeffectsoftheirbusinessgoalsorsuccessin implementingitsstrategyproducedbythemain...
IN每 MeasuringtheImpactofInformationTechnology(IT)on SupplyChainManagement(SCM)Through Indicators"AnExploratoryStudy木 MarceloT.Okano,FemandoA.S.Marins S冱0PauloStateUniversity,Sa0Paulo,Brazil Enterprisesarelookingtoadapttothisscenariofocusingonperformance,seekingtoimprovethelevelofservice andreducecostsinan...
1、1-1,Chapter 16Information Technology and the Supply Chain,Supply Chain Management(3rd Edition),4-2,Outline,The Role of Information Technology in the Supply Chain The Supply Chain IT Framework Customer Relationship Management Internal Supply Chain Management Supplier Relationship Management The Trans ...
1, supply chain management is very dependent on information technology, and through the use of information technology, and can be effective in achieving suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and users of information integration. Within an enterprise, the applications of information technology can a ...
This thesis is motivated by the impact that information technology has had on supply chain management. In particular, information technology has changed the way companies interact with suppliers and customers. For example, in , suppliers receive Point-of-Sales (POS) data from retailers and use this...
To balance demand and supply of information, we propose a framework called " information supply chain " (ISC). This framework is based on supply chain management (SCM), which has been used in business management science. Both ISC and SCM aim to satisfy demand with high responsiveness and effi...
研究方向:MANAGEMENT 《国际信息系统与供应链管理杂志》(International Journal Of Information Systems And Supply Chain Management)是一本以MANAGEMENT综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由The Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦MANAGEMENT领域的重点研究和前...
Supply Chain Management (SCM) includes management of materials, products, services, information and financial flows which network of consisting suppliers, manufacturers, logistics service companies and clients. The individual elements of this chain with coordination and integration of each element to perform...