Murthy, SudarshanDelcambre, LoisMaier, DavidEmbley, DavidOlivé, AntoniRam, SudhaSpringer-VerlagMurthy, S., Delcambre, L., Maier, D. 2006. Explicitly Representing Superimposed Information in a Conceptual Model. In Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'06), Nov. 6-...
University of Texas at DallasSudha Ram, University of Arizona, TucsonJackie Rees, Iowa State UniversityRaghu Santanam, Arizona State UniversityRamesh Sharda, Oklahoma State UniversityMichael Jeng-Ping Shaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignVijayan Sugumaran, Oakland UniversityAnjana Susarla, Michig...
42. Cloud Computing: Designing Different System Architecture Depending On Real-World Examples Pages :5025-5029 Dr. Ravish Saggar, Ms. Shubhra Saggar,Ms. Nidhi Khurana Abstract | PDF 43. Secure Storage and Data Integrity Proof in Cloud Pages :5030-5032 Adarsh R., P. ChidanandaMurthy Abstract ...
Sabatino; John Everett; Emily Kelley; Sandhya Murthy; Angeline Camillo; Nancy Sweitzer; Cindy Schrag; Peter E. Carson; Jacqueline Gannuscio; Neil Pendril Lewis; Krista Chafin; Alan Bruce Miller; Erin Richardson; Usman Qayyum; Paige Brown; Dinesh Singal; Danielle Giunta; Arun Krishnamoorthy; ...
M.Jyothi, L.Ravi Chandra, M.Sahithi,A.Jhansi Rani,J.Poornima,N.Naga Sudha Abstract | PDF 55. Fault Torelant Distributed Intrusion Detection System Using Advanced Honeypots Pages : 3220-3224 Akshay Kulkarni, Sujal Raul, Vidhya Suresh Abstract | PDF 56. A Survey On: Attacks due to SQL inje...
谷歌学术 必应学术 百度学术 Research Commentary: The Organizing Logic for an Enterprise's IT Activities in the Digital Era - A Prognosis of Practice and a Call for Research. V. SambamurthyRobert W. Zmud 原文链接 谷歌学术 必应学术 百度学术...
Organizational behavior Interagency information sharing and collaboration| A case study along the southwest border NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Azadeh F. Osanloo MurthySudha KScholars, researchers, and policy analysts agree about the importance of interagency information sharing and collaboration among the ...