This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Internet information on smoking cessation using a cross-sectional survey design. The characteristics and content of 89 Web sites containing smoking cessation information were evaluated. The quality of these sites were measured by the information quality tool ...
Nearly half of Americans who once smoked eventually quit smoking. Here you'll find in-depth information successful smoking cessation techniques, nicotine patches, and other products to stop smoking for good.
Working to protect the people of Florida from the dangers of tobacco and smoking. Discover how to quit with the help of Tobacco Free Florida.
15.1 Information on the trade in cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, smoking cessation products, cigarette packets, snuff, cigarette labels, cigarette holders, tobacco monopoly products, and tobacco production equipment. 16. Information on games that violate the laws and regulations or bypass the regulatory...
On December 15, 2010, PLoS Medicine released a study which showed that, in regard to prescription medications associated with reports of violence towards others, the FDA had received the most reports of violence from the SSRI & SNRI antidepressants (except for Chantix, the smoking cessation drug...
Evidence is growing that snus can aid smoking cessation (Hatsukami, Severson, et al., 2015). Use of lower-harm products (including vape) may not be for everyone, and the ability of these to supplant smoking remains to be shaped and delineated. If the user does not enjoy the product, ...
Health-information seeking on the Internet and current smoking status: Evidence from the national health interview surveySmoking CessationInternetSmokingTwo research questions were addressed. First, what are the differences between internet searchers and non-searchers for health-related information among ...
• Smoking cessation; • Regular physical training; • Correct plan of day and diet; • Reduction of the alcohol consumption. These are the simple things everyone talks about but also usually ignore. The problem is that it all gradually accumulates and then the problems with health, inclu...
Smoking CessationA knowledgegradient exists between experts in a given field and consumers of thatknowledge. When the need arises, not knowing the best path, an averageindividual typically relies on the advice of an expert. Given the steepknowledge gradient between p......
Discover how smoking can lead to age-related macular degeneration and what you can do to protect your vision. 8 million+ Physician Ratings & Reviews Find Doctors and Dentists Near You You can also search by physician, practice, or hospital name...