This study investigated Joan Erikson's suggestion [Erikson, E. H. (1998). The life cycle completed. Extended version with new chapters on the ninth stage by Joan M. Erikson . New York: Norton] that there is a ninth stage to Erik Erikson's [Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and soci...
On the 31st December 1691, Christian Thomasius, a German Enlightenment philosopher and jurist published one of the earliest accounts of systematic personality assessment. Originally presented in the form of a letter under the wonderful title 'New Discovery of a Solid Science, Most Necessary for the ...
Affordable machine-produced literature provides the foundation for mass schooling that eventually extends from elementary schools to universities (Allen,1991; Davis,1962). Growth in women’s schooling via mass-produced printed literature provides human capital that is no longer exclusively reliant on appre...