Mental Health Related Resources Mental Health Articles What Are the Behavioral Signs of Child Abuse? What Are the Nine Traits of a Narcissist? How Do I Know If I'm an Agoraphobic? What Types of Medication Treat ADHD? What Are the 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD? Is ADHD Hereditary? Does Caffe...
There are just too many potential influences on learning to allow the complex interactions involved to be convincingly explored in this way. Eventually, however, the two research traditions began to communicate, with individual differences being seen to be important in interpreting findings about ...
The Sometimes Complex Emotions of Fathers-to-Be There are dozens of books and posts for pregnant moms about the feelings they are experiencing. Yet dads-to-be experience their own pregnancy-related emotions that are seldom discussed. Fortunately, we have the research of James Herzog to provide ...
Resources for clinicians and researchers interested in traumatic stress and ptsd. Medline and the Pilots online databases. Lists professional organizations (istss & issd), email discussion lists, and a workshop calendar for continuing education workshops
Aug 26 2022 Complex-Desjardins Xray TERRORISM (CPM 329 HIGH) RADIOLOGICAL WEAPON TERRORISM RELATED NEWS Top Mountie violated her legal obligations by being too slow to respond to complaints, judge rules RCMP says it cleared its backlog of complaints — but not before some of the complainants died...
Supportive links to trauma resources and mental health information for general public and for survivors/victims at this award-winning educational site focused on emotional trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) affecting individuals or communit
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) of ICD-11 in youths with childhood maltreatment: Associations with age of exposure and clinical outcomes. January 01, 2023 [ MEDLINE Abstract ] Linking non-suicidal self-injury to psychopathology: The utility of transdiagnostic and DSM-based models....
The prevalence, latent structure and psychosocial and cognitive correlates of complex post-traumatic stress disorder in an adolescent community sample. January 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Household crowding in childhood and trajectories of depressive symptoms in mid-life and older age. ...
Mental disorders are highly complex and multifactorial in origin, comprising an elaborate interplay of genetic and environmental (G × E) factors that act on a number of biological systems, and thus require a framework that includes multiple levels of analysis. Epigenetic mechanisms function as a tr...
(broadly) that can be worked on inpsychotherapy, but it may not lead to PTSD, thankfully. To make things a bit more confusing, in various clinical settings, the term, “trauma”, can be used to describe a natural course of a person’s life. For example, a therapist m...