This chapter looks at health information policy documents and frameworks in the UK that support information literacy in healthcare with a specific focus on support for the general public. It highlights recent research findings in the UK, Sweden and Australia that support the need for health ...
IL is being integrated into the health profession’s educational curricula. Successful examples of curriculum-integrated IL are well-established in medical and allied health education.29–34Information literacy is not a stand-alone skill existing outside of ...
sources to get information for healthcare of elderly people However, there were variations in the use of sources due to factors like levels of education; economic abilities, geographical location of respondents (urban/rural); availability of sources, and literacy skills (language, use of the ...
To produce a healthcare provider who is competent in accessing health information, nursing faculty members, in tandem with medical librarians, play a crucial role in establishing the knowledge base for student competency in health information literacy. The time to prepare nursing students to meet the...
Mary is a RN who has taught Healthcare Administration, EMR, and IS-related subjects. She holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration and Healthcare Informatics. Explore how to use information literacy skills in complex decision making. Learn about the steps to information literacy, inclu...
There is a need to investigate which health information sources are used and trusted by people with limited health literacy to help identify strategies for addressing knowledge gaps that can contribute to preventable illness. We examined whether health literacy was associated with people's use of and...
In 1989, ALA's Presidential Commission on Information Literacy concluded, "Out of the superabundance of available information, people need to be able to obtain specific information to meet a wide range of personal and business needs. These needs are largely driven either by the desire for persona...
Health information technology (HIT) has provided a mean to deliver equal access to healthcare services re-gardless of social context and physical location. In order to achieve better health outcomes for every individual, socio-cultural factors, such as literacy and social context need to consider....
Health literacy among Japanese is often low, making it difficult for them to evaluate health information and make informed decisions. However, the health literacy scales applied measure the perceived difficulty of health-related tasks; they do not direct
This chapter examines the issues of information literacy for both health professionals and patients in the context of rare and orphan diseases. In particular, the chapter uses a real life case study to consider the information experience of a person in t