相信很多人和我一样,都会有一刹那以为日本战神Skyline R34推出了SUV版本!实际上这辆车是由1997年款的本田CR-V (RD1)改装而成。 外观方面是这辆车改装的亮点,原厂日产Skyline R34的包围、头灯以及各种空力套件悉数上身。全车经典拉力蓝车漆改色,碳纤维引擎盖上的立体图案惟妙惟肖。内饰整体风格也进行了改装修...
Motorworld Munich showcases over 30 different car brands, both classic and new. Notable exhibits include the BMW 507 of Elvis Presley, the BMW Art Car M1 of Andy Warhol, a Rolls-Royce of Muhammad Ali, and the Nissan Skyline R34/GTR of Paul Walker from the movie Fast and The Furious 4...
Nissan Skyline This type of restoration isn’t for everyone, but if you have a big bank account and sincere love for the R34, pay attention. ByRobert Moore 19 hours ago Meet Aprilia's Answer For The KTM 390 Duke And Honda CB500F ...