In an interview with a local daily, deputy Information minister Energy Mutodi responded to cleric Talent Chiwenga. In a video Talent responded to a warning from his cousin Vice President Chiwenga saying he has the right to freedom of expression. However,
JUSTIN ARUNDALE was at the forefront of changing newspaper libraries from the traditional collections of cuttings and reference books to fully electronic resources able to generate income. He was first a newspaper librarian, then a university lecturer in librarianship, covering particularly the growing ...
Sermon information provides information about sermons, sermon outlines, sermons that work and free online sermons.
I found at the start of volume 1, on p.i-xxiv, a “Vita”: a hagiographical “Life” of John Damascene. This was ascribed to a certain “John, Patriarch of Jerusalem.” The Vita is listed in
2 John 1:4-11 Today’s Insights Love is a major theme of John’s writings, and he continues it here in his second letter. The apostle says, “I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another” (2 John 1:5). But in...
Until this evening I had never read a word about St. Peter Chrysologus. He was bishop of Ravenna between 433 and 450, when the western imperial court was based there, and died young. His fame rests on a collection of short, effective sermons that he preached, of which something less th...
This is about NWO , power and control and filthy lucre – an epidemic allows more machiavellian scheming than a war . “The whole world is under the power of the evil one ” John the apostle. charles allansaid this onSeptember 28, 2014 at 1:24 pm|Reply ...
Population (2014 est.):412,655 (growth rate: 0.33%); birth rate: 10.24/1000; infant mortality rate: 3.59/1000; life expectancy: 80.11 Capital (2011 est.):Valletta, 198,000 Monetary unit:Euro National name:Repubblika ta' Malta Current government officials ...
View captivating images and news briefs about critical government decisions, medical discoveries, technology breakthroughs, and more. From this page, you'll see news events organized chronologically by month and separated into four categories: World News, U.S. News, Disaster News, and Science & Tec...
Read Jude as well as John, for you will find in the smallest books a generous portion of the story as it drives toward its fulfillment. As you read through The Voice and consult the helps provided, we invite you to step into the story of Scripture, hear the authentic voice of God, ...