The vast bodies of water surrounding the continents are critical to life on Earth. But overfishing and global warming threaten to leave oceans barren.
Indian Ocean is the second largest tuna fishing ground and also increasingly becomes another important tuna fishing ground of China.Based on the data provided by Indian Ocean Tuna Commission(IOTC),the paper analyzes the development of the Indian Ocean tuna fishery and the exploitation and utilization...
Ref : Indian Ocean Crisis Information on INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING IN EMERGENCIES for UNICEF Offices and PartnersSection, NutritionRef, NyhqCrisis, Indian Ocean
Heard Island is the top of an active stratovolcano on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean, about 4000 km southwest of Western Australia. Part of Australian territory, along with McDonald Island to the west, Heard is one of Australia's two currently active volcanoes. The volcano...
MAPS Click to see British Indian Ocean Territory in our political world atlas Click image to enlargeACCOMMODATION Whether you're getting together with friends and family, planning a weekend getaway, making arrangements for a business trip, or dreaming of your summer vacation, you've come to ...
activities, the group published a magazine, which they called The Dune Forum. The Dunites believed that Oceano Dunes was one of the centers of creative energy in California. Seek out the solitude of the dunes and perhaps you too, will feel these creative forces that the Dunites talked about....
Coral reefs are found in all three of the Earth’s oceans that have portions in the tropics – the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian. However, coral reefs are not randomly scattered throughout each of these great ocean basins (see map below). ...
In a time-honored tradition, lawmakers who write the federal government's funding billsheard from dozens of Indian Country leaderslast week. Testimony focused on health care, education, public safety and just about every other major issue facing tribes and their citizens. The difference is the new...
India Country Details Country NameIndia Political StatusCountry Geographic LocationSouthern Asia Flag Principal Languages Assamese Bengali English Gujarati Hindi Kannada Malayalam Marathi Nepali Punjabi Sindhi Tamil Telugu Urdu CapitalNew Delhi Web Sites about India ...
Often going by the official name of Carmel-by-the-Sea, the Californian town of Carmel is something of a seaside resort and very Bohemian in character. Carmel lies next to the Pacific Ocean, with the beachfront Scenic Drive being worth a look. ...