TheTudor dynastyruled for only three generations but it transformed England from a land devastated by the War of the Roses to a major player in Europe and eventually the rest of the world. This exhibit covers the larger than life personas of Henry VII, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. Tudor Fam...
In 1485, Henry VII became king of England. A Welshman and the first in the Tudor line, Henry's reign, and those of subsequent Tudors, made English rule more palatable to the Welsh. His son, King Henry VIII, joined England and Wales under the Act of Union in 1536. The Industrial ...
The most important moment in the long history of Piel Castle came in 1487 when 10-year-old Lambert Simnel came ashore on the island with a force of 8,000 mercenaries to launch his bid to overthrow Henry VII and seize the throne of England. Simnel claimed, falsely, to be the Earl of W...
The Red Tower was part of a major strengthening of the York defences begun by Richard III and completed under his successor Henry VII. Masonry walls were added in the 14th century to replace an earlier timber palisade. At first glance, the Red Tower looks like a squat brick-built cottage....
“certain practices to deliver the town of Calais to Pole,” and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Arthur was confined in the Tower of England for two years until his innocence was proven, or perhaps until King Henry VIII had second thoughts about the so-called conspiracy. The night after...
Henry VII, descending into Italy, stopped here for a few days in December 1312. In 1326 San Casciano suffered various raids by Castruccio Castracani who burnt most of it to the ground. Gualtieri di Brienne, Duke of Athens and Lord of Florence, began to fortify San Casciano in 1343. San...
Orvieto soon became a Guelph stronghold of central Italy, holding out against the repeated attacks of the Ghibellines, who had been expelled, and the emperors Frederick I and Henry IV. In 1199, the Pope appointed the first Podestà of Orvieto, Piero Parenzo, who was later killed in the ci...
Article VII of their Constitution specified that “It shall be the duty of each member of the association to furnish in a form suitable for preservation, such facts and incidents in his early pioneer life, and in relation to the first settlements of this country, as he may deem of sufficien...
Henry Ivan Condori-Alejo, Miguel Romilio Aceituno-Rojo, Guina Sotomayor Alzamora Pages 408-413 View PDF Article preview select article Intelligent Portfolio Theory and Application in Stock Investment with Multi-Factor Models and Trend Following Trading Strategies Research articleOpen access Intelligent Portf...
Edward II's cell Berkeley Castle next made its appearance in the annals of English history when William Berkeley, nicknamed William-the-Wasteall by a family historian, gave the entire estate of Berkeley to King Henry VII in exchange for being made Earl Marshall of the realm. ...