Drugs and alcohol entering a child's life are probably some of the most challenging and sadly, some of the most common issues parents have to face today. Alcohol in particular is very available and often considered innocuous by kids and many adults. However, it can be as deadly as the oth...
LEARN ABOUT ALCOHOLISM: Experience Life with out Alcohol Addiction! CALL 877-896-1291 Learn-About-Alcoholism.comis an online alcoholism information resource designed to help individuals who suffer from abuse or dependence, and the people whose lives they impact. ...
Peer based alcohol programs; Student ownership; Campus outreach; Guidelines and training; Referrals; Student staff.YaccarinoM.ElaineEBSCO_AspJournal of Alcohol & Drug EducationYaccarino ME. Alcohol abuse information and support systems through the college student affairs and student peer counseling ...
Alcohol abuse is a very serious problem, and it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms. If someone is drinking excessively, experiencing blackouts, and attempting to ‘cover-up’ their drinking, this may be a sign that they are engaging in alcohol abuse. Alcoholics are often isolated...
In many cases, if you find yourself wondering if your drinking is a problem, it is. If you are worried about a loved one, you may recognize the consequences of their drinking behaviors before they do. An important differentiation to make would be that of alcohol abuse from alcohol dependence...
AddictionResource.net provides the latest information regarding substance abuse, addiction, and treatment options. Learn more.
Drug information on alcohol, cocaine, crack cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy, GHB, heroin, marijuana, and oxycontin. Toll free drug abuse helpline.
Methodologic limitations include possible residual confounding, misclassification of exposure and outcomes, lack of direct measures of disease severity, and lack of information about alcohol use, nutrition, and over-the-counter medication exposures. Animal Data In animal reproduction studies, duloxetine ...
Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today.
Alcohol is known to facilitate memory if given after learning information in the laboratory; we aimed to investigate whether this effect can be found when alcohol is consumed in a naturalistic setting. Eighty-eight social drinkers were randomly allocated to either an alcohol self-dosing or a sober...