Project Name Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: mm/dd/yyyy Meeting Location: Location Approval: Date or DRAFT If not yet approved, change the approval date to Draft Recorded By: HHS EPLC Team Notes to the Author This document is a template of a Meeting Minutes document for a project.. 2 Meeting...
These themes were then gathered in a common template structured according to the represented sector and geographic origin of respondents. This allowed identification of commonalities and differences across specific contexts included in this study. Additionally, illustrative quotes, not only reflective of ...
Versions Notes Abstract Foodborne disease (FBD) is a global public health concern, and foods from animal sources have been associated with outbreaks of food-related illness. In this study, animal carcasses from the two abattoirs (HT1 and HT2) in the formal meat sector (FMS) and slaughter poi...
For example, a Canadian web-based resource for cancer patients (, accessed on 19 July 2022) that offers a variety of resources pertaining to workplace accommodations, return-to-work transition, etc., may offer a template for the development of similarly widely ...