COVID-19 信息图 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 是一种由新发现的冠状病毒引起的传染病。大多数感染 COVID-19 的人会出现轻度至中度症状,无需特殊治疗即可康复。 从感染病毒到出现症状平均需要 5 到 6 天,但最长可能需要 14 天。 最常见的症状: 发热 干咳 疲倦 不太常见的症状: 疼痛和痛苦 咽喉痛 腹泻 结膜炎...
More than 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China as of July 4, 2021, according to the National Health Commission. China accelerated its pace of free COVID-19 vaccinations for the whole nation in late March. It took China 25 days to climb from 100 million...
Infographic: COVID-19 vaccination pace in ChinaGuangming Online 2021-07-08 More than 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China as of July 4, 2021, according to the National Health Commission. China accelerated its pace of free COVID-19 vaccinations for the whole...
More than 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China as of July 4, 2021, according to the National Health Commission. China accelerated its pace of free COVID-19 vaccinations for the whole nation in late March. It took China 25 days to climb from 100 million ...
More than 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China as of July 4, 2021, according to the National Health Commission. China accelerated its pace of free COVID-19 vaccinations for the whole nation in late March. It took China 25 days to climb from 100 million...
插画 关于 冠状病毒病. 19infographic covid传输警报和预防桨尖病毒症状. 矢量法ncov卡通人物以2019研究传播疾病症状. 插画 包括有 对象, 字符, 健康 - 192370525
避免Covid 19 的 5 个步骤信息图 COVID-19 最常见的症状包括发烧、不适、干咳和呼吸急促。 其他症状包括鼻塞、头痛、结膜炎、喉咙痛、腹泻、味觉或嗅觉丧失、皮疹或手指或脚趾变色。 有些人感染了病毒,但症状非常轻微或非特异性。根据世贸组织的数据,大约 20% 的病例可能会发展为严重的呼吸窘迫。
More than 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China as of July 4, 2021, according to the National Health Commission. China accelerated its pace of free COVID-19 vaccinations for the whole nation in late March. It took China 25 days to climb from 100 million...
Here are two more examples of good infographics. Both of these are especially memorable because the designer thought outside the box when it came to presenting the information.Source: GOODSource: Annukka MakijarviBe sure to share it!Okay, this isn’t a tip for making a good infographic, ...
There are over 35 000 000 reported cases of COVID-19 disease and 1 000 000 deaths across more than 200 countries worldwide.1 With cases continuing to rise and a robust vaccine not yet available for safe and widespread delivery, lifestyle adaptations will be needed for the foreseeable future...