Features Both the Fit 2 and Pro has a built-in GPS to track the route, distance, and speed in real-time without a need for a smartphone. It’s good for those who run outdoor because they don’t want to carry a smartphone during the workout. Both the Fit 2 and Pro has 4GB inter...
Access' primary source of profits has been NetFront web browser (which has been used by numerous cell phones, Sony PSP, Sony CLIE and Amazon Kindle. Now that we're seeing powerful mobile processors like the 1.0 and 1.5 GHZ Snapdragon, NetFront is increasingly irrelevant. Full-featured browsers...
it could be sunny and bright at the coast, but overcast and rainy at 7000′, blocking the view of the clear skies above 9000′. The webcam on the summit building shows just how quickly the weather can change throughout day. Before heading up the mountain, be prepared...
Ever since a team at Hewlett Packard Laboratories in California demonstrated the first one two years ago, there have been some very excited claims for the 'resistor-with-a-memory' including a way of saving energy in server farms, a way of extending Moore's Law and the route to new k...