OH_NativeBuffer_Config OH_NativeXComponent_Callback OH_NativeXComponent_MouseEvent OH_NativeXComponent_MouseEvent_Callback OH_NativeXComponent_TouchEvent OH_NativeXComponent_TouchPoint OHExtDataHandle OHHDRMetaData OhosPixelMapInfo RawFileDescriptor Region Rect OH_AI_...
@ohos.bytrace (性能打点) @ohos.data.distributedData (分布式数据管理) @ohos.data.storage (轻量级存储) @ohos.data.rdb (关系型数据库) @ohos.document (文件交互) @ohos.fileio (文件管理) @ohos.geolocation(位置服务) @ohos.hiAppEvent (应用打点) @ohos.multimedia...
Deprecated Namespace string 命名空间。 * Name string 顶点类型名称。 Alert GmtModified long 最新修改时间。 2022-10-09T11:47Z Id string 顶点类型记录 ID。 Alert RelationTypeList array 边类型元数据配置信息。 RelationType object 边类型元数据配置记录。 ShowType string 已废弃。 Deprecated DisplayColor...
simGetInstanceIndex, simGetVisibleInstanceIndex and simSwitchToInstance are declared deprecated and should not be used anymore.Simplified and improved the plugin event messagesRemoved following event callback messages: sim_message_object_added_or_removed, sim.message_object_selection_changed, sim.message_...
DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo: [3239星][7m] [HTML] leizongmin/js-xss Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist [3097星][8d] [Shell] trimstray/htrace.sh My simple Swiss Army knife...
Trace element (Windows) InterlockedOrNoFence function (Windows) About IWMPNodeWindowed (deprecated) (Windows) Input Personalization Interfaces (Windows) DhcpPktSendHook callback function (Windows) ID2D1Factory::CreateHwndRenderTarget method (Windows) IMpeg2PsiParser::GetRecordProgramMapPid method (Windows...
(const char *dg, void *data, size_t l return ESP_FAIL; }-#if CONFIG_RTC_STORE_OVERWRITE_NON_CRITICAL_DATA-data_store_info_t *info = (data_store_info_t *) &s_priv_data.non_critical.store->info;-/* Make enough room for the item */-while (data_store_get_free(s_priv_data....
Trace element (Windows) InterlockedOrNoFence function (Windows) About IWMPNodeWindowed (deprecated) (Windows) Input Personalization Interfaces (Windows) DhcpPktSendHook callback function (Windows) ID2D1Factory::CreateHwndRenderTarget method (Windows) IMpeg2PsiParser::GetRecordProgramMapPid method (Windows...
- update to 1.4.41 + - next is 1.4.41 + remove long-deprecated, non-functional config opts + [config] inherit server.use-ipv6 and server.set-v6only (fixes #678) + [build] allow AUTHOR, KEYID overrides to packdist + [mod_auth] fix Digest auth to be better than Basic (fixes #...
(and possibly PGI). * Fixed C++20 build resulting in deprecated implicit copy assignment operator warning. * Use std::function for the global error handler. * Fixed dup sink compile warnings in older compilers with back_inserter. * Added a color-terminal type to the color terminals list - ...