Open Squares: 130,Cheaters: 10,FITB: 16,XRef: 5,Words that never appeared in a previous NYT crossword: 30 Frances Hansenhas 81 known pre-Shortz puzzles, and 40 Modern Era crosswords in our database. David Steinberg notes: Original 77-Across clue had "at five." at end for the entry...
The clue for 65 Across is "California team [and 18 letters in the grid to circle ... and then connect using three lines]" and the answer is THE A'S. [Solve & Print] 6/26/2003 This one is similar. We're asked to find the letter that appears 21 times. It's an S. If you...
XWord Info istheessential resource for crossword constructors and enthusiasts. Every New York Times crossword ever published is here. This is the only place online to find NYT Variety Puzzles. Solvers canenter a clueto find answers. Constructors have usedthe Finder page31,494,644times!
It would be odd to clue HOVELS in another crossword without saying something like "decrepit." Similar with TARNISH/VARNISH. They both do fit [Certain outer coating], but TARNISH in another crossword usually would be clued with a synonym of "dull." Tightness is another key to generating ...
Pro tip: keep prefixes and suffixes in the forefront of your mind, particularly the ones using "Wheel of Fortune" free letters (RSTLNE). So often, RE- UN- E-(as in electronic) or -ER -EST -S will be your best friend. "Most" in a clue should point you to -EST, for example. ...
To my knowledge, neither has ever before appeared in a crossword puzzle, and I think the clue for the former ("Type for who this clue will be annoying?") is pretty clever. I really like my submitted clue for the latter too, which was basically the same as the published clue ("...
TAN LINE isn't as fresh as WET MARTINI, having been in the NYT crossword over a dozen times already, but man, that clue! [Abrupt change in tone] so innocently nudges you toward a speaking tone. Even better was [One sitting on the bench]. It's been killing me to see Robert William...
Concepts where the circled letters are all the same can be a bit repetitive, but I liked the a-ha moment PINOCCHIO gave me. Well executed grid, especially considering the high theme density. I'd expect some crossword glue, especially in those areas that have to work around two themers. ...
There is a LOT of support for this clue in dictionaries, but I surveyed five word-nerd friends of mine, and none of them had heard of this usage. I think if I were an editor, I would have to lean toward dictionary definitions over my personal experience, but I'm sure sometimes it'...
ELLEN DEGENERES and SENIOR EDITORS are both so crossword-friendly, what with all common letters and such regular consonant/vowel alternation. But ELLEN is so much more fun, especially what with that hilarious quote in the clue. I liked that down south region a ton. JOAN MIRO is a great an...