Influenza vaccine in pregnancy: Is it safe?Naus, MonikaBritish Columbia Medical Journal
Influenza virus vaccine, inactivated Pregnancy Warnings According to some authorities: Use is recommended if clearly needed and the benefit outweighs the risk. AU TGA pregnancy category: A or B2, depending on vaccine formulation US FDA pregnancy category: Not assigned ...
"It is recommended that all pregnant women receive theinfluenzavaccine during pregnancy because it is known that pregnant women have increased morbidity and mortality during pregnancy and in the immediatepostpartum periodif they get the flu," said Katherine A. Poehling, M.D., MPH., an associate...
stage of pregnancyfirst trimester-healthy vaccinee biasCochrane Systematic Reviewnumber needed to vaccinateinflammatory effectsPregnant women are a World Health Organization (WHO) priority group for influenza vaccination, but evidence of effectiveness and safety for pregnant women comes from observational ...
To monitor pregnancy outcomes and newborn health status following influenza vaccination of pregnant women, some manufacturers have established pregnancy registries.LactationNot known whether influenza vaccine inactivated distributed into human milk. Data insufficient to assess effects on the breast-fed infant ...
Pregnancy Influenza Vaccine Vaccine safety Immunogenicity Transplacental transfer 1. Introduction Pregnant women are at high risk for influenza infection and influenza-related complications and, in most countries, are recommended to receive an inactivated vaccine. Although previously vaccination tended to be ...
The retrospective study used midwives' records to examine a cohort of 58,008 births: 52,932 to mothers who had not received the vaccine and 5,076 to mothers who had been vaccinated during pregnancy. All births took place in Western Australia between April of 2012 and December of 2013. The...
This cohort study examines the association between maternal influenza infection and vaccination during pregnancy and risk for autism spectrum disorder in
Live-attenuatedinfluenza vaccine (egg-based) 2 years Intranasal spray The attenuatedvirusis temperature-sensitive and can replicate in the nose but not in thelung.[36] Indications All individuals≥ 6 monthsof age: annually, ideally prior to eachflu season[33] ...
uptake of influenza vaccine in pregnancy during the 2009 A/H1N1 2009 pandemic was low and immunisation rates among pregnant women generally remain low.4 5 One commonly cited reason for this is concern among women and clinical staff about the safety of the vaccine during pregnancy.6In a linked ...