操作ID: GettotalglobalCOVID-19vaccinedoses 新型コロナウイルス ワクチンのグローバル総投与量を取得します。 ソース: covid.ourworldindata.org パラメーター テーブルを展開する 名前キー必須型説明 lastdays lastdays string fullData fullData string 戻り値 テーブルを展開する 名前パ...
Patterns in influenza antiviral medication use before and during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, Vaccine Safety Datalink Project, 2000–2010. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2012 6:e143–51.Greene SK, Shay DK, Yin R, McCarthy NL, Baxter R, Jackson ML, Jacobsen SJ, Nordin JD, Irving SA, Naleway...
First, the strain of virus must be isolated and vaccine produced in sufficient quantities for distribution. However, improved cell culture techniques in vaccine manufacture have decreased the preparation time compared with traditional egg-based technology.54 Second, the ability to perform safety and ...
Unlike other common viral etiologies of respiratory disease—such as influenza virus, adenovirus, and RSV—neither an effective vaccine nor antiviral medication is available to combat HPIV. We show the presence of the four types of HPIV in Latin America, including HPIV-4, detected for the first ...
http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/05/26/swine-flu-vaccine.html May 27, 2009 CBC.ca 购买多少保险才能保障你无忧? 甲型H1N1流感已经蔓延至22个国家和地区,在流行性疾病肆虐的威胁下,不少投资者开始重新审视自己的投资保障,“我希望为家庭配置足够的保障后再考虑投资”、“健康保障到底多少才足够?”,...
Operation ID: GetCOVID-19vaccinedoseforasinglecountry Get COVID-19 vaccine doses administered for a country that has reported vaccination rollout. Sourced from covid.ourworldindata.org Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription country country True string lastdays lastdays string fullData ...
Operation ID: GetCOVID-19vaccinedoseforasinglecountry Get COVID-19 vaccine doses administered for a country that has reported vaccination rollout. Sourced from covid.ourworldindata.org Parameters Expandeix la taula NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription country country True string lastdays lastdays string...
Operation ID: GetCOVID-19vaccinedoseforasinglecountry Get COVID-19 vaccine doses administered for a country that has reported vaccination rollout. Sourced from covid.ourworldindata.org Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription country country True string lastdays lastdays string fullData...