Change history 11 December 2024 “An overview of approaches to estimating seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE)” should has been processed as the section heading References Shaw AR. Universal influenza vaccine: the holy grail? Expert Rev Vaccines. 2012;11(8):923–7. Article CAS PubMed ...
B/Victoria lineage viruses returned to normal patterns by 2022, B/Yamagata-lineage viruses have not been identified since 2020. The implications of the apparent extinction of this lineage of viruses on vaccine composition, and the risk of their re-introduction into the human population are ...
The 2023–2024 US influenza season was characterized by a predominance of A(H1N1)pdm09 virus circulation with cocirculation of A(H3N2) and B/Victoria viruses. We estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) in the United States against mild-to-moderate medically attended influenza illness in the 2023–...
Influenza B/Victoria circulated at low intensity throughout the 2023/24 season and VE against influenza B was 66 % (95 % CI: 42 %, 80 %). Since its introduction in 2018/19 the school-based influenza vaccination program has substantially increased vaccine uptake in children in Hong Kong and...
The live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) is an intranasally administered, trivalent vaccine containing two influenza A strains: one H1N1 type, one H3N2 strain, and one influenza type B strain (each 15 mg) based on the circulating strains. ...
a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus a B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virusProduct Details: Intramuscular injection of inactivated influenza vaccineIndividuals aged 9 years old or above: 1 doseIndividuals aged 6 months to under 9 years old: For those who have...
(H3N2) and B/Victoria-lineage viruses. Quadrivalent influenza vaccines have been standard in the US since the 2013-2014 influenza season, when a second influenza B virus strain was added to the vaccine to protect the public from both lineages of influenza B viruses. Prior to the availability ...
Flu vaccines for the 2024-2025 influenza season are now available. All vaccines are trivalent, and will protect against an H1N1, H3N2 and a B/Victoria lineage virus. This season's vaccine has been updated with a new influenza A(H3N2) virus. It is safe to receive COVID-19 and flu vaccin...
vaccines can be developed that elicit stronger and longer-lasting immune responses against various strains of influenza B virus. Vaccines may be more effective and immunogenic when adjuvants and new delivery mechanisms are used. Progress has been made in the development of influenza B vaccine mRNA ...