For instance, in May 2021, Duke University researchers developed an mRNA-based COVID-19 and flu combination vaccine to protect an individual against both viruses simultaneously. Also, the major players in the market reported an increase in their revenues attributed to the increase in sales of vac...
Information for HCPs about FluMist® (Influenza Vaccine Live, Intranasal) for flu protection in a nasal spray.
flu360 offers clinical, financial, and operational solutions for your flu vaccination business year-round. Learn more and partner with CSL Seqirus at
Why don't flu shots always work?Learn about the search for a universal flu vaccine. See all videos for this article Individualprotection against the flu may bebolsteredby injection of avaccinecontaining two or more circulating influenza viruses. These viruses are produced in chickembryosand rendere...
About Support Log In flu360®Overview Products Tools & Resources Create Account FLUCELVAX®The Cell-Based SolutionClinical DataReal-World EvidenceORDER NOW A proven vaccine for the whole family With clinical data in children 6+ months and adults, you have one proven vaccine for all eligible pat...
AFLURIA® is a seasonal flu vaccine approved for ages 6 months and older and is for a wide range of patients. Learn more at
Coming as soon as next year!The onlyat-home flu vaccine, delivered withFluMist Home. FDA approved Needle free For at-home use The same nasal spray flu vaccineyou can already get at a pharmacy or doctor's office Nasal sprayflu vaccine forages 2–49 ...
flu360 simplifies the complex, providing greater efficiencies to meet day-to-day operational burdens and inventory management. We focus on your flu vaccine needs, so you can focus on your patients' needs Preview the possibilities of the flu360 dashboard ...
flu360 offers clinical, financial, and operational solutions for your flu vaccination business year-round. Learn more and partner with CSL Seqirus at
Flu vaccine What is flu vaccine? Flu Vaccine, also known as flu shots, protect you from the flu virus. You normally get it in your arm. It's made from the three or four flu viruses that are most likely to→