Influenza, or the flu, affects millions of people each year. The CDC and other health organizations recommend receiving a flu shot to protect yourself.
How Does the Flu Spread? Do I Need a Flu Vaccination Every Year? Where Can I Get a Flu Vaccine? What Is Flu? What Is the Flu Jab? Who Should Get a Flu Jab? What Type of Flu Vaccines are Available? How Does the Flu Spread? Do I Need a Flu Vaccination Every Year? Where Can I...
The only at-home flu vaccine, delivered with FluMist Home. FDA approved Needle free For at-home use The same nasal spray flu vaccine you can already get at a pharmacy or doctor's office Nasal spray flu vaccine for ages 2–49 FluMist is recommended by the CDC and the American Academy ...
Each year, new flu vaccines are made so that the tiny proteins on the surface of the virus in the vaccine match the proteins on the flu virus that is spreading that season. The better the vaccine proteins match the ‘flu season’ proteins, the more effectively the vaccine prevents flu rela...
Those who have an allergy to eggs or any of the ingredients in the vaccine Those who had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a severe paralyzing illness, also called GBS) within six weeks of getting the flu vaccine previously Those who have a moderate or severe illness with a fever should wait until...
Learn about influenza (flu) symptoms, treatment with antiviral drugs, flu shot side effects, and prevention during flu season. Discover when to get the flu vaccine, how long the flu lasts, the contagious period, flu types, and how it spreads.
FLUCELVAX® is the first and only FDA-approved cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine in the US. Visit to learn more.
Coming as soon as next year!The onlyat-home flu vaccine, delivered withFluMist Home. FDA approved Needle free For at-home use The same nasal spray flu vaccineyou can already get at a pharmacy or doctor's office Nasal sprayflu vaccine forages 2–49 ...
This Phase 1 study will assess the safety and efficacy (usefulness) of administering 2 doses of seasonal flu vaccine directly into breast cancer tissue (primary tumor), and will study the tumor and whole body response to the vaccine. If the tumor is palpable (able to fee by touch), the ...
Nasal spray: The nasal sprayflu vaccineis a live attenuated vaccine, or LAIV. Unlike theflushot, it is made from live, but weakened,influenzaviruses. However, you cannot get the flu from the nasal spray vaccine.Healthy, non-pregnant people ages 2 to 49may receive the nasal spray. ...