Is It Safe to Have a COVID-19 Vaccine if You Already Had a Flu Shot? It will probably be safe, but they may need to be separated so that there is no interference with each vaccine's effectiveness. Most vaccines can be given either together or separated by a short period of time. Th...
The flu shot and nasal spray can cause different types of side effects. Flu shot side effects may include: Low fever Muscle aches Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given The nasal spray flu vaccine for adults may cause: Cough Headache, muscle aches Runny nose, nasal congestio...
The most common side effects of Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent vaccine are: pain, redness, and swelling where you got the shot muscle ache tiredness headache These are not all of the possible side effects of Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent vaccine. You can ask your healthcare provider for a ...
Learn about influenza (flu) symptoms, treatment with antiviral drugs, flu shot side effects, and prevention during flu season. Discover when to get the flu vaccine, how long the flu lasts, the contagious period, flu types, and how it spreads.
Generic Name(S):flu vacc ts 2024-25 (6 mos up) Uses Thisvaccineis used to prevent infection by theinfluenza("flu") virus. It is also called the seasonalflu shot. Influenza can cause serious illness (rarely death), especially in people at high risk from the infection (such as young ch...
Common Adverse EffectsIndividual Vaccine PreparationsFluzoneIn children 6 months through 8 years of age, the most common injection-site adverse reactions were pain or tenderness (>50%) and redness (>25%); the most common solicited systemic adverse reactions were irritability and drowsiness (>25% ...
How and where is a flu shot injection given? The flu shot is usually given as an intramuscular (IM) needle injection into the upper, outer arm muscle called the deltoid muscle in people 3 years of age and older. The preferred injection site for infants and young children is the front, ...
Common side effects of Fluzone include: injection site reactions (soreness, redness, swelling, bruising pain, or a lump) that may last for up to 1-2 days, fever, chills, joint or muscle aches or pain, headache, tired feeling, weakness, or ...
Children aged 6 months-8 years should receive 2 doses of vaccine if they have not been vaccinated previously at any time with either the flu shot or the nasal-spray flu vaccine. Children aged 6 months-8 years who received only 1 dose in their first year of vaccination should receive 2 ...
How effective is the flu shot? When there is a good match between the vaccine and the current year’s influenza disease viruses, influenza vaccine has been shown to prevent illness in approximately 70-90% of vaccinated people. 8 Does the...