The flu (short for influenza) is a respiratory virus that affects the throat, nose, bronchi and, sometimes, the lungs.
Summary Symptoms Diagnosis Prevention Treatment Prognosis What is the Flu (influenza)?Influenza (the flu) is a respiratory infection. It is caused by the influenza virus. Influenza typically is spread by air or by direct contact from one person to another. Influenza virus is very contagious....
Symptoms develop 1 to 4 days after contracting the virus. Most people recover within 2 weeks without medical treatment, but the flu can cause serious complications, including pneumonia, bronchitis and sinus and ear infections. The “flu season” typically lasts from late fall to spring. Each year...
SARS Symptoms – Fever, Malaise, headache, body ache, cough, sore throat and running nose. Patient may deteriorate into respiratory insufficiency, and acute respiratory distress. In spite of intensive care and ventilatory support death may occur in 10% cases. influenza virus A, Band C Signs and...
Learn about influenza (flu) symptoms, treatment with antiviral drugs, flu shot side effects, and prevention during flu season. Discover when to get the flu vaccine, how long the flu lasts, the contagious period, flu types, and how it spreads.
A细节题。虽然药物可以缓解流感症状,但不能治愈流感。Treatment and prevention部分第一句话便是没有特效药可以治愈流感。 结果五 题目 Influenza Influenza is caused by a virus transmitted from one person to another in droplets coughed or sneezed into the air. It is characterized by cold like symptoms pl...
Many people commonly and incorrectly confuse influenza infection (the flu) with the common cold. The common cold is a mild infection frequently caused by many viruses other than the influenza virus. Differentiating a cold from the flu by symptoms alone can sometimes be difficult or impossible, but...
There is no specific cure for influenza. Recommended treatment usually consists of bed rest and increased intake of nonalcoholic fluids until fever and other symptoms lessen in severity. Certain drugs have been found effective in lessening flu symptoms, but medical efforts aimed against the disease ...
因此答案为A。2.答案:B 解析:题干的意思是:当你咳嗽或者打喷嚏时,作者给出的正确建议是去﹍。根据文中“There are many viral infections that can cause flulike symptoms.It is better to visit your doctor so other possibilities can be ruled out before your obtaining treatment”意思是:有很多病毒感染... acute, commonly epidemic disease occurring in several forms, caused by numerous rapidly mutating viral strains and characterized by respiratory symptoms and general prostration. 2.any of various acute, contagious viral infections of domestic animals that affect the respiratory tract. ...