Coarse incubation period data for influenza
The incubation period of influenza A (H1N1) generally lasts for 1–7 days, mostly 1–3 days, which is longer than that of common influenza and avian influenza. 4.4.2Clinical Symptoms and Signs The patient usually experiences influenza-like symptoms, including fever (axillary temperature ≥37.5 ...
Influenza A is a member of the familyOrthomyxoviridae[10]. The virus contains a single-stranded, negative-sense, segmented RNA genome, and is subtyped based on its hemaggluttinin and neuraminidase genes. The year 2009 saw the emergence of a novel A (H1N1) subtype derived, in part, from ...
andtrachea. The incubation period of the disease is one to two days, after which the onset of symptoms is abrupt, with sudden and distinct chills,fatigue, and muscle aches. The temperature rises rapidly to 38–40 °C (101–104 °F). A diffuseheadacheand severe muscular aches throughout th...
The clinical symptoms of influenza virus infection can range from asymptomatic, mild, to severe. Theincubation periodis usually 1–2days, followed by a rapid symptom onset. The initial symptoms are systemically based with fever,chills,headacheandmyalgialasting approximately 3days, but these s...
In general, the incubation period for influenza in cats is quite short, usually 2 to 3 days. Typical signs, whether HPAI H5N1 or human pandemic H1N1, are fever, decreased appetite and activity, and respiratory signs such as dyspnea.18,285Conjunctivitismay also be observed.285With HPAI H5N1, ...
onAugust10,2010,theWorldHealthOrganizationdeclaredanendtotheglobalH1N1flupandemic Impactof2009Flu Morethan214countriesprevalent43millionto89millioninfect atleast18,449deaths Pathogen-InfluenzaViruses TypesA,BandC hemagglutinin(HA)andtheneuraminidase(NA) 2009/H1N1 ...
The symptoms of the seasonal influenza come within one to five days which is called incubation period after exposure for the infected person as the virus is spread through airborne droplets from sneezing and coughing or by hands which are contaminated with secretions....
causedbysomestrainofavianinfluenzaAvirussubtype Keysignsandsymptoms FeverFlowingtearsNasalobstructionCoughPharyngalgiaHeadacheMuscularsorenessGeneralmalaise EtiologyAvianInfluenzavirus ClassificationMorphologicalcharactersAntigenicstructureBiochemicalactivities EtiologyAvianInfluenzavirus Classification ...
The flu is typically contagious about 24-48 hours before symptoms appear (from about the last day of the incubation period) and in normal healthy adults is contagious for another 5-7 days. Children are usually contagious for a little while longer (about 7-10 days). Individuals with severe ...