The addition of two 3-h periods of very dim light, one before and one after a normal 8-h photoperiod, advances sexual maturity in pullets by about a week. This trial tested the hypothesis that dim light given before a short day of normal intensity is linked to form a more stimulatory ...
Parent-of-origin specific QTL - A possibility towards understanding reciprocal effects in chicken and the origin of imprinting Reciprocal effects for sexual maturity, egg production, egg quality traits and viability are well known in poultry crosses. They have been used in an optim... M Tuiskula...
Human Sexual Development. (Book Reviews: Man and Woman, Boy and Girl. The Differentiation and Dimorphism of Gender Identity from Conception to Maturity) Presents human and animal experimental and clinical findings from genetics, endocrinology, neurosurgery, psychology, and anthropology on sexual ...