Drawing from the influence of presumed influence (IPI) model of communications research, the research assesses the impact of the presumed influence of TV series on others on young consumers' desire to buy placed alcohol brands. Three experiments show that presumed influence can increase or decrease ...
Although, the “continuous learning” had the highest percentage of conformity (81.6%), however, the minimum rate was 56.5% that was related to “concentration on relationships”. In terms of conformity, the ranking of career planning scale was as follows: 1) continuous learning, 2) setting ...
Conspiracy theories are part of mainstream public life, with the potential to undermine governments, promote racism, ignite extremism and threaten public health efforts. Psychological research on conspiracy theories is booming, with more than half of the
Here we report that Rhes, a GTPase enriched in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of striatum, alters the striatal cAMP/PKA signaling cascade in a gender-specific manner. While Rhes knockout (KO) male mice, compared to wild-type (WT) mice, had a significant basal increase of cAMP/PKA signaling...
Describe two experiments that supported one hypothesis while also disproving another. How does an observational study differ from a controlled experiment? You are conducting an experiment to determine whether teaching students the SQ4R method will increase th...
The latter two sets of questions, being relatively behaviorally-focused, were expanded to address norm conformity of the first sets of perception-based items. Each item was phrased as a statement such as “I am putting effort (or have put effort) to keep myself healthy”, and respondents ...
For instance, parenting behaviors are associated with parental values of teaching children with self-direction (for middle class parents) and conformity (for working class parents), influenced by parents' occupation type and educational attainment level (Weininger & Lareau, 2009). Similarly, positive ...
Thus, the satisfaction derived by the inhabitants of a particular housing unit is a reflection of the degree to which they feel in conformity with their socio-cultural background (Jiboye 2008). Scholars have opined that people make decisions based on subjective assessment of a place (Rojek et ...
ConformityCollectivismHuman decision-makingHumans owe their ecological success to their great capacities for social learning and cooperation: learning from others helps individuals adjust to their environment and can promote cooperation in groups. Classic and recent studies indicate that the cultural ...
We suggest that hospitals reduce the profusion of behavior control and increase levels of input and output controls in the management of people. Poor perceptions of HR specialists and HR activities have resulted in HR being overlooked as a vehicle to address the strategic challenges required of ...