Research purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between organisational justice and employee commitment and to examine the moderating effect of TL on the relationship between organisational justice and employee commitment in a customer service organisation. Motivation ...
We draw on these data to consider how the social, organisational and structural elements of trial design potentially impact the capacity of PWID to participate in candidate hepatitis C vaccine trials, and how these elements might be best addressed to optimise participation of the target group....
Human,SocialandOrganisationalinfluenceson Component-BasedSoftwareEngineering DouglasKundaandLaurenceBrooks DepartmentofComputerScience,UniversityofYork,UK Abstract Thispaperdiscussessomehuman,socialandorganisationalissuesaffectingComponentbased softwareengineering(CBSE)processesandtheintroductionofCBSEin...
The use of different leadership styles in different contexts can influence individual and organisational effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methods approach was used, combining a questionnaire distributed electronically to 224 medical leaders in acute hospital trusts with in-depth “...
Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research), this study explores the views of researchers, research managers, administrators, and governance advisors in Estonia, Italy, Norway and UK, focusing specifically on their understanding of institutional and organisational influences on research ...
Downstream events, the involvement of pathology sub sequent to surgery and various clinical incidents, can have a profound effect on outcome. The impact of these impor tant events cannot be accommodated with conventional clinical trial design. Three such events which reach the level of being...
摘要: Religious influences on health and well-being in the elderly K. Warner Schaie, Neal Krause, Alan Booth, editors (Societal impact on aging series) Springer Pub. Co., c2004关键词: minority ethnic groups interpreting translation organisational routines identity primary healthcare 出版时间: 2004...
The study investigated the dimensions of client care that nurses considered were important to nurses and to clients based on the perception of nurses. Also investigated were the approaches nurses used to evaluate care, the organisational processes used for care and, the influences that organisational ...
The results have implications for the utility endorsement of WSPs, for the impact of organisational cultures on WSP implementation; for the scale-up of pilot studies; and they support repeated calls from practitioner communities for cultural attentiveness during WSP design. Findings on organisational ...
This research employs a mixed-method design. On the quantitative side, we conducted a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications by Russian authors in nanotechnology. On the qualitative side, we completed a series of 24 semi-structured interviews in Moscow in March and April 2014. Each intervi...