In organizations today, getting work done requires political and collaborative skills. That’s why the first edition of this book has been widely adopted as a guide for consultants, project leaders, staff experts, and anyone else who does not have direct authority but who is nevertheless accountab...
Influence Without Authority 作者 Allan R. Cohen著 出版社 Wiley 出版时间 2005年3月 第2版 ISBN 9780471463306 定价 439.70 内容简介 Inorganizationstoday,gettingworkdonerequirespoliticalandcollaborativeskills.That’swhythefirsteditionofthisbookhasbeenwidelyadoptedasaguideforconsultants,projectleaders,staff...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《没有权威的影响Influence Without Authority》,作者:Allan R. Cohen 著,出版社:Oversea Publishing House。最新《没有权威的影响Influence Without Authority》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《没有权威
That's why the first edition of this book has been widely adopted as a guide for consultants, project leaders, staff experts, and anyone else who does not have direct authority but who is nevertheless accountable for results. In this revised edition, leadership gurus Allan Cohen and David ...
Influence Without Authority-2nd ed. When you're a project manager with a team of people who don't technically report to you, your challenge is to get Results Without Authority. This book deli... A Cohen,D Bradford 被引量: 48发表: 2005年 Responsibility without legal authority? Tackling alco...
【3-6周达】没有权威的影响,第3版Influence Without Authority, Third E阅世界原版图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.3 中 售后服务: 4.6 中 400-610-1360转103764 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 【...
非权力影响 Influence Without Authority:寻求同事和领导的支持、沟通带领团队方向、协调跨部门资源,都需要这种非权力命令之下的影响力。 相比职权界定的权力,非权力影响更广泛、持久。这不是人格魅力或者能力资历,而是一种需要理论支持和应用法则的能力。 Allan R. Cohen 及Influence Without Authority ...
其中个人认为最能启发我的还是Assume all are potential allies的观点。工作久了,总会觉得有的人因为脑袋和屁股的原因永远无法成为朋友。但是这个观点提醒我,除了脑袋和屁股,职场上还有利益与极少数情况下的感情可以让一个人的态度发生转变。有的人无法成为朋友,但是可以不成为敌人。