‘Doolally tap’ is a phrase that has made its way into the English language from India. The Oxford English dictionary defines ‘Doolally tap’ as ‘Temporarily deranged or feeble-minded’. Typically, when ‘Doolally tap’ is used in Britain, the ‘tap’ is used meaning a knock on the hea...
Beacht– According to Manchán Magan, this means a circle. This is news to me and will be news to any Irish speakers out there, whether second-language speakers or native speakers. Because, in modern Irish, it most certainly does not mean a circle. This meaning is mentioned in eDIL and...
Language: As long as you know English, there will be few communication issues in India. Most Indians know some English, however some will not be able to converse as fluently as you would prefer including taxi drivers, waiters, porters and hotel staff. This is where some basic Hindi words,...
(INR) Diet Information sought from the Food labels Expiry date Ingredients veg/non veg nutritional information FSSAI Price Language of the food label Readability of the food label Meaning of the food label Female 1 - - Male 1.18(0.88–1.58) - - Rural 1 - - Urban 1.03(0.77–1.38) - - ...
Mandarin,whichisaffectingthepho nologiesofbothofthesedisparateminoritylanguages.Weuseasocialcon structionistapproachtomodelthesechanges:the“Structure”ofalanguageis dialecticallyconstructedbyindividualmomentsofspeech—“Events”— whichareinturnin uencedbyStructure.Fromthisperspective,eachindi vidualuse...
In Singapore, the languages, other than English, reported were: Cantonese, French, German, Hindi, Hokkien, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, Telugu, and Teochew. More information on self-reported language proficiency and use in the different groups is presented in Section 3.1...
accusative clitics; DOM; language convergence; Catalan; Spanish; definiteness; bilingualism; language change; crosslinguistic influence1. Introduction Catalan and Spanish languages have been in contact for centuries, but the linguistic contact has never been as intense as in the last half of the 20th...