inflationreductionact原文 引言概述: Inflation Reduction Act is an important piece of legislation that aims to address the issue of inflation and its impact on the economy. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the key points and provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. The ...
The Inflation Reduction Act contains $500 billion in new spending and tax breaks that aim to boost clean energy, reduce healthcare costs, and increase tax revenues. Get the latest April 17, 2024 In the time since this article was first published, McKinsey has continu...
【文/观察者网 李丽】当地时间8月16日,美国总统乔·拜登签署了总价值为7500亿美元的《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act),令该法案正式生效。这一巨额开支法案的主要内容包括医疗保健和对抗气候变化,其资金来源是通过给大企业加税获得。不少声音认为,该法案并不能解决通胀问题,反而会加剧通胀,或令美国经...
At Shell Catalysts & Technologies, we see the Inflation Reduction Act opening up a number of interesting opportunities for oil and gas companies and in hard-to-abate sectors. Three that stand out are: the potential margins for producing sustainable aviation fuel (SA...
In the race toward a cleaner, greener future, the United States is charging ahead with a groundbreaking piece of legislation: the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022. Underpinning this act is a resolute commitment to transform the landscape of electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid ...
This article is part of the March 2023 edition of our publication The Sol SOURCE.Click hereto read the full publication. After the excitement that followed passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), reality is setting back in as we await implementation guidance from the Biden Administration. ...
In this article, we will delve into the importance and implications of the Inflation Reduction Act, focusing on its main features and step-by-step approach to tackling inflation effectively. I. Understanding Inflation Before diving into the Inflation Reduction Act, it is crucial to comprehend the ...
经过一年多的争吵与激辩,2022年8月16日,美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)最终签署《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act)。有分析认为,这是继《芯片与科学法案》后,美国在高科技及未来有发展潜力的产业上,对中国进行的又一次围堵——试图将中国排除在供应链之外,以美国为中心重组全球供应链。值得注意的是,削减...
Published on March 1, 2024iEmerging Issues,Inflation Reduction Act,Renewable Energy & Energy Development On February 20 and February 21, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) held a public hearing on proposed regulations concerning the definition of...
Inflation Reduction Act的原文内容包括降低货币供应量、调整财政政策、促进经济增长、加强监管和执法、提高教育和培训等五个大点。通过减少印钞数量、加强货币政策、增加税收、削减开支、鼓励投资、支持创新和科技发展、建立监管机构、扩大执法力度、加强经济教育、提供职业培训等措施,该法案旨在降低通货膨胀率,保持经济的稳定...