美国于2022年8月通过了IRA(《通胀削减法案》(The Inflation Reduction Act)、下文简称“IRA”),舆论讨论的焦点主要集中于其对制造业带来的新投资,而对法案关于医药领域的变化讨论则相对有限。 但在我们看来,该法案的落地一方面延续甚至深化了奥巴马医改的部分政治遗产,另一方面打破了一些支付体系生态的既有利益分配格局,...
《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act,IRA)是美国于2022年通过的一项综合性法案,旨在通过税收抵免、清洁能
如果你在8月16日之后到2023年1月1日之前购买,并持有符合条件的电动汽车,除总装要求外,适用于《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act)颁布前生效的电动汽车抵免规定(包括涉及销售车辆的制造上限)。如果你在8月16日之前签订了一份有约束力的书面合同,购买一辆新的合格车辆,请参阅上述规则。其三,潜在的合格...
2023年10月初,美国《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act, IRA)中关于“国家医保谈判”(下文简称“国谈”)的改革,迎来新进展: 首批10个药物涉及的所有药企全部签字参与,名单包括:百时美施贵宝、勃林格殷格翰、强生、默克、阿斯利康、诺华、Immunex(被安进收购)、pharmacyclics LLC(被艾伯维收购)、诺和诺德。 这意...
CMS established the Program to implement the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) requirement that drug manufacturers pay rebates for certain products reimbursed under Medicare Part B and Part D if the price of those products increases faster than the rate of inflatio...
October 3, 2023 Business + Innovation Generous Tax Subsidies for Sustainable Aviation Fuels in the U.S.? Yes, But Details Matter. By Mark Brownstein September 21, 2023 Business + Innovation Why the Inflation Reduction Act is a Potential Catalyst for the Change the World Needs with Clarence Edwa...
【文/观察者网 李丽】当地时间8月16日,美国总统乔·拜登签署了总价值为7500亿美元的《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act),令该法案正式生效。这一巨额开支法案的主要内容包括医疗保健和对抗气候变化,其资金来源是通过给大企业加税获得。不少声音认为,该法案并不能解决通胀问题,反而会加剧通胀,或令美国...
Inflation Reduction Act Medicare Don’t Let a 'Lame Duck' Congress Gamble with Patient HealthDecember 20, 2024 As Donald Trump prepares to assume the presidency and with new leadership taking control of the Senate, significant shifts will come to the oversight of key health agencies like the Foo...
Read more about how Donald Trump has previously said he plans to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), at least partially, and rescind its unspent funds.
The U.S. Department of Treasury and IRS released final regulations under Section 6417 of the Internal Revenue Code, as enacted by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).