“When Kamala Harris cites price gouging by grocers, these are the industry profit margins she’s railing against,” Walczak wrote on X, including a graph showing the 1.2% profit margins grocers made last year compared to 8.5% profit margins across all industries. When Kamala Harris cites pri...
The above graph describes the PCE (personal consumption expenditure) excess inflation by category 2022.In the fourth quarter of 2022,Vehicles rate=1%, Other durables=2.1% Energy=3.8% Food at home=5.8% Other nondurable=5.3% Restaurants and hotels=6% Housing=6.2% Other services=8.1%...
if Professor Rajan has renounced at any time his Indian nationality, surrendered his Indian passport and sworn the naturalization oath of the USA, then he is a US citizen with a US passport and loyalty owed to that country, and by US law he will have to enter the USA using that and no...
A universal analytical challenge for scRNA-seq data generated by any protocol is the vastly high proportion of genes with zero expression measurements in each cell. This data sparsity issue is apparent when scRNA-seq data are compared with bulk RNA-seq data [36,39,40], which contain aggregated...
At long last, the US inflation rate appears to have peaked, but at a much higher rate and much later than anticipated. Why have these large forecasting errors been made and what now is the outlook for inflation? In this Macro Flash Note, EFG chief econom
The topic of inflation is on the radar of central bank around the world again, after a half year stay as low as negative in many countries.
David Enna, Tipswatch.com (updated Jan. 24, 2024) Today, as I update this Q&A in December 2022, TIPS are surging in popularity, paying a yield to maturity that's close to or above 1.60% for the entire maturity spectrum. This follows more than a decade of
From 1973 to 2022, CPI and RPI both correlate strongly with ADR (r=0.97; r=0.97). This is supported by looking at the graph of inflation versus ADR growth below. From 1973 forward, ADR outgrew inflation by 45% representing an average ADR growth of 0.75% a year above inflation. Said ...
November 7, 2022 at 1:21 pm Perhaps there are problems with the way we measure wages. People are being promoted or reclassified into higher paid jobs and so on. But, whatever it is, something doesn’t stack up. The Australian Bureau of Statistics publication which reports the ...
Graph (e) suggests that 49.9% of female respondents and 41.6% male respondents believed that housing prices in the short horizon would increase more than the current rate. Figure 1 reveals that the female respondents generally perceived higher inflation than the male respondents. Figure 2 summarizes...