Inflammatory breast cancerPreoperative chemotherapyT-cell lymphomaBreast Cancer -doi:10.1007/BF02967430Hiroki KoyamaDepartment of Surgery, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, Higashinari-ku,Osaka, JapanSpringer-VerlagBreast Cancer...
An invasive malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to other areas of the body. [Latin,cancerous ulcer, from Greekkarkinōma, fromkarkinos,cancer; seekar-inIndo-European roots.] car′ci·no′ma·toid(-nō′mə-toid′)adj. ...
Progression of Breast Cancer (Inflammatory Carcinoma of the Breast) Inflammatory breast cancer is a special type of breast cancer which develops and spreads quite differently from other breast cancers. In most breast cancers, such asductalorlobular carcinomas, the cancer cells grow and develop as a...
The crucial finding is tumour-cell embolism in the subdermal lymphatics of the affected breast. 30 patients with inflammatory breast cancer were treated with three different concepts of therapy. In the first group, initial surgery (mastectomy with axillary dissection) was followed first by 6 cycles...
of cancer, in which abnormal cells infiltrate the skin [...] 炎性乳癌是另一种罕见而具侵略性的 癌 症, 异常 细胞渗透到乳房的皮肤和淋巴管。 Typically, Inflammatory Breast Cancer grows rapidly and requires aggressive treatment. 通...
Inflammatory breast cancer is considered a locally advanced cancer — meaning it has spread from its point of origin to nearby tissue and possibly to nearby lymph nodes.
Clinical experience with irradiation of inflammatory carcinoma of the breast with and without elective chemotherapy. Cancer 1980;45:625-629.Barker J, Montague E, Peters L, et al. (1980). Clinical experience with irradiation of inflammatory carcinoma of the breast with and without elective ...
Objective To study the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment ofinflammatory cancer of breast (ICB).MethodsThe clinical data of 6 patients with IBC werereviewed retrospectively.ResultsThe age of 6 patients ranged from 33 to 60 years old.Thecourse of disease lasted 1~12 months.There were...
Background Unusual presentation of breast lymphoma with signs and symptoms suggestive of inflammatory breast cancer. Discussion Lymphoma of the breast is uncommon whether it is primary or secondary. Most breast lymphomas are of B cell origin. The most frequent mode of presentation is a painless breas...
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is an aggressive type of breast cancer with symptoms that differ from other types of breast cancer. The redness, warmth, and swelling that often accompanies IBC is caused by the blockage of lymph vessels by cancer cells.1At the time of diagnosis, most women ...