One study found that high salt intake may contribute to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) development and worsen IBD severity. Jillian Kubala, Health, 13 Jan. 2025 Raisins are one of the best sources of phenols, an antioxidant known to protect against various diseases ranging from cancer, inflamma...
Related to Inflammatory bowel diseases:Crohn's disease n.Abbr.IBD Any of several chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, especially Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the intestine and resulting in abdominal cramping and diarrhea. ...
发炎性肠病(inflammatory bowel diseases, IBD)为一组特定慢性肠道疾病的统称,其特征为持续性或经常性胃肠道症状、炎症细胞浸润及对饮食、抗生素或免疫抑制药物治疗有反应。依浸润的主要炎症细胞种类可分为淋巴球浆细胞性肠炎(lymphocyticplasmacytic enteritis)、嗜酸性球性肠炎(eosinophilic enteritis)、肉芽肿性肠炎(gra...
Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBDs) are composed, principally, by Crohn’s disease (CD), involving any segment of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and ulcerative colitis (UC), that occurs in the inner lining of the colon (large intestine) or rectum. IBD are characterized by chronic or relapsing...
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases是一本胃肠肝病学领域的医学期刊,由Oxford University Press出版。现任主编是来自大学附属医院克利夫兰医疗中心的Fabio Cominelli博士。期刊ISSN号:1078-0998,EISSN号:1536-4844。最新影响因子为7.290分。 官网链接: ...
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of chronic idiopathic inflammatory conditions. The two major types are ulcerative colitis (UC) which affects the colon and Crohn's disease (CD) which can involve the whole gastrointestinal tract but is most common in the terminal ileum and colon. ...
Role of the microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases. Studying the role of the human microbiome as it relates to human health status has revolutionized our view of microbial community contributions to a large ... NA Nagalingam,SV Lynch - 《Inflammatory Bowel Diseases》 被引量: 376发表: 2012年...
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Are Diseases of Higher Socioeconomic Status: Dogma or Reality? doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2000.03330.xLETTERS to the editorCROHN'S diseasePresents a letter to the editor about the socioeconomic status of Crohn's disease patients.American Journal...
volume 2, issue 4 323 inflammatory bowel diseases and their relationship to malignancy referee J Faintuch,B Levin,JH Yardley 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Thromboembolic risk among Danish children and adults with inflammatory bowel diseases: a population-based nationwide study. BackgroundRecommendations for ...
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases brings the most current information in clinical and basic sciences to physicians caring for patients with inflammatory bowel