Inflammatory Bowel Diseases® supports the mission of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation by bringing the most impactful and cutting edge clinical topics and research findings related to inflammatory bowel diseases to clinicians and researchers working in IBD and related fields. The Journal is committed...
国际标准简称:INFLAMM BOWEL DIS 出版地区:UNITED STATES 出版周期:Monthly 研究方向:医学 - 胃肠肝病学 出版年份:1995 语言:English 是否OA:未开放 学科领域 医学 中科院分区 3区 JCR分区 Q1 IF影响因子 4.5 是否预警 否 投稿咨询投稿指南 期刊简介 Journal Title:Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ...
《炎症性肠病》(Inflammatory Bowel Diseases)是一本以医学-胃肠肝病学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Oxford University Press出版商创刊于1995年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦医学-胃肠肝病学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术...
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases是一本胃肠肝病学领域的医学期刊,由Oxford University Press出版。现任主编是来自大学附属医院克利夫兰医疗中心的Fabio Cominelli博士。期刊ISSN号:1078-0998,EISSN号:1536-4844。最新影响因子为7.290分。 官网链接: 01 分区 在中科院分区(升级...
炎症性肠病(Inflammatory Bowel Diseases)是一本由Oxford University Press出版的一本医学-胃肠肝病学学术刊物,主要报道医学-胃肠肝病学相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,该刊创刊于1995年,出版周期Monthly。2021-2022年最新版WOS分区等级:Q1,2023年发布的影响因子为4.5,CiteScore指数9.7,SJR指数1.55。本刊非...
大家不妨随笔者来看一下这本叫做:INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES的杂志。 1、基本信息 这本来自美国的消化期刊 INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES ,创刊于1998年,现由OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC出版集团管理,期刊的ISSN:1078-0998,EISSN:1536-4844。 INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES杂志主编为Fabio Cominelli教授,他是克利夫兰医学中心...
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are chronic, relapsing inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. CD and UC have distinct pathologic and clinical characteristics and despite the extensive amount of research conducted over the ...
期刊名称 Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesINFLAMM BOWEL DIS 期刊ISSN 1078-0998 期刊官方网站 是否OA No 出版商 Oxford University Press 出版周期 Monthly 文章处理费 登录后查看 始发年份 年文章数 259 影响因子 4.5(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Concept, Epidemiology, and Clinical Symptoms Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBDs) are composed, principally, by Crohn’s disease (CD), involving any segment of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and ulcerative colitis (UC), that occurs in the inner lining of the colon (lar...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) comprises Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn´s Disease (CD). Both pathologies are chronic gastrointestinal diseases whose incidence and prevalence are growing considerably each year worldwide. Unfortunately, there is no pharmacological treatment that induces a complete re...