The major kinds of mediators are (1) vasoactive amines, such as histamine and serotonin; (2) plasma endopeptidases that comprise three interrelated systems, the kinin system that produces bradykinin, the complement system that produces proteins that interact with antigen--antibody complexes and ...
Chronic inflammation may lead to the formation ofgranulomas, pockets of infected tissue walled off and surrounded by WBCs. Macrophages and other phagocytes wage an unsuccessful battle to eliminate the pathogens and dead cellular materials within a granuloma. One example of a disease that produces ch...
In the course of my enquiries, I was, however, soon satisfied that atmospherical air is not an unalterable thing; for that the phlogiston with which it becomes loaded from bodies burning in it, and animals breathing it, and various other chemical processes, so far alters and depraves it,...
It could be considered that the color of the injured tissue is changeable because both the traumatic injury (contusion and/or wound) and the inflammatory response related to this aggression are evolutive. The post-traumatic acute inflammatory response has especially been described as a succession of ...
the term “extracellular vesicles” as a broad term for nano-sized particles that are normally produced by the cells and are bordered by a lipid bilayer. The current guidelines of ISEV classify the EVs on the basis of (i) size into small EVs (sEVs: diameter of < 200 nm) and medium/...
In essence, the effects are sedative where the expression of cold colors predominates. Cyanosis, a word derived from the Greek term kyanos, is the blue coloration of the skin, and the mucosas are frequently associated with the traumatic pathology that have a systemic effect with hypoxia and ...
In essence, the effects are sedative where the expression of cold colors predominates. Cyanosis, a word derived from the Greek term kyanos, is the blue coloration of the skin, and the mucosas are frequently associated with the traumatic pathology that have a systemic effect with hypoxia and ...
the term “extracellular vesicles” as a broad term for nano-sized particles that are normally produced by the cells and are bordered by a lipid bilayer. The current guidelines of ISEV classify the EVs on the basis of (i) size into small EVs (sEVs: diameter of < 200 nm) and medium/...
Soon after its discovery, MPO was studied to “ascertain whether it has a special function in combating infectious diseases” by Agner, where it was observed that the enzyme disappeared from leukocytes during severe infection; mice survived treatment of tetanus toxin only if the toxin was first ...
Most of the symptoms and signs of onchocerciasis, including those affecting the eyes, are caused by the microfilariae ofO. volvulus. Typically, both eyes will be involved. As with the skin changes, it is the dead microfilariae which cause most inflammatory reaction within the eye. Live microfilar...