Lyga, "Inflammaging in skin and other tissues - the roles of complement system and macrophage," Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 153-161, 2014.Zhuang, Y.; Lyga, J. Inflammaging in skin and other tissues--The roles of complement system and macrophage. Inflamm. Allergy...
The global, regional, and national burden of inflammatory bowel disease in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;5:17–30. Lewis JD, Par...
Recently, the term "inflammaging" was coined by Franceshci and colleagues to characterize a widely accepted paradigm that ageing is accompanied by a low-grade chronic up-regulation of certain pro-inflammatory responses. Inflammaging differs significantly
enhanced inflammatory responses and the consequent tissue lesions are believed to increase the risk and severity of diabetic periodontitis.2,3However, the extent to which diabetes affects periodontal
Inflammaging is a theory of aging based on the evidence that the evolutionary unpredicted persistent/increasing exposure to a variety of external and internal stressors occurring beyond the age of reproduction activates innate and adaptive immunity pathw
White willow bark (Salix alba) has been used for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic.1“The willow tree is a symbolic medicinal plant that has been associated with the discovery of aspirin, chemically known as acetylsalicylic acid, or salicylate, which still of...
The total number of macrophages in the dermis did not change, but the number of M2 macrophages was significantly decreased. Thus, the M1-to-M2 ratio was significantly increased in sun-exposed aged skin and positively correlated with the percentage of p21+ and p16+ senescent cells in the ...
Aging affects the immune system and establishes a chronic low-grade inflammation (inflammaging). Mogilenko et al. defined organ-specific and common alterations of immune cell populations in aging and identified a distinct subset of clonal ...
Immune system aging is characterized by the paradox of immunosenescence (insufficiency) and inflammaging (over-reaction), which incorporate two sides of the same coin, resulting in immune disorder. Immunosenescence refers to disruption in the structural
In the literature, different parameters have been validated to classify frailty. Frailty belongs primarily to two conceptual models: Fried’s Physical Frailty phenotype [1] and Rockwood’s cumulative deficiency approach [9]. Both models have been scientifically validated. The first is based on the ...