Symptoms of inflamed prostate are not specific only to this disease and they can resemble other diseases of genitourinary system. Sometimes, there are no symptoms, and sometimes they are so obvious and abrupt that patients often require urgent assistance. Acute Prostate Inflammation Symptoms appear sud...
Thus, the delivery of therapeutics to the spinal cord may improve some nonmotor symptoms including urinary, sexual, and gastrointestinal, as well as of some motor symptoms. Next, we confirmed BMM accumulation in the brain in PD mice by PET with 64Cu-labeled macrophages. To have quantitative ...
AIkido Pharma Inc. (Nasdaq: AIKI) ("AIkido" or the "Company") today announced that it has been granted an exclusive sublicense to technology related to the use of novel and proprietary central nervous system (CNS) homing peptides for the therapeuti...