Premature Desquamation of the Inner Root Sheath in Noninflamed Hair Follicles as a Specific Marker for Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia.doi:10.1097/dad.0000000000001336Timothy TanJoan GuitartPedram GeramiPedram YazdanAm J Dermatopathol
That is, the ration of the total displacement to the total track length. Autofluorescents from hair follicles, shadowing and autofluorescents from overlying hair, and air bubbles trapped between the ear surface and the cover slip, can all lead to imaging artifacts, which obscure the visualization...
We aimed to examine a large cohort of alopecia cases for the presence of PDIRS in association with and without inflammation to determine whether PDIRS in noninflamed follicles can be used as a specific marker of CCCA.Tan, TimothyGuitart, JoanGerami, PedramYazdan, Pedram...