Here are 16 unique traits of the INFJ personality type. 1. You’re the most thinking of the feeling types INFJs lead with Introverted Intuition (Ni), their main cognitive function. Ni is concerned with pattern-seeking. It’s what INFJs use to assess situations and make decisions. We ...
The INFJ type, which stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging, is a rare personality type. Learn about the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator test and the traits of INFJ personalities.
1 Personality Traits Your perfectionist tendencies drive you to constantly improve yourself and the world around you. This relentless pursuit of growth and meaning can be both exhilarating and exhausting. You have a knack for seeing potential and possibilities where others might not, but you may ...
Therapy & the INFJ’s personality traits Do you have an INFJ personality type? If you can relate to most of the above traits, then there's a good chance that you are an INFJ. You may be interested in taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for yourself to discover which personality type...
If you have taken the INFJ personality test, you may have noticed that you share some traits with other personality types. Here are some personality types that share similarities with INFJ:ENFP: Both INFJs and ENFPs are intuitive and empathetic. They are also idealistic and value authenticity....
INFJs are one of the rarest personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), INFJs are often referred to as the “Advocate” or “Counselor.” An INFJ is characterized by a unique blend of traits that make them insightful, empathetic, and deeply driven by their values. ...
Learn about the INFJ Myers-Briggs® personality type, popular jobs for INFJs, relationship tips for INFJs and more at
In our list of “Advocates You May Know,” we feature Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa. There’s not a shrinking violet in the bunch. Of course, many factors other than their four personality traits can come into play before a social warrior finds courage. ...
来源 提倡者Advocate Personality INFJ-A/INFJ-T 说明Introduction “对待别人就像他们应该做的那样,你帮助他们成为他们所能成为的人。” ——约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德 “Treatpeopleasiftheywerewhattheyoughttobeandyouhelpthemtobecomewhattheyarecapableofbeing.” ...
List Of 600 Personality Traits 4. Finance People with an INFJ personality are not keen on details and data. They often find money and finances devoid of inspiration and tend to be weak in managing money. So clearly, a career in finance wouldn't be a great fit. ...