上一次还小,不会考虑relationship那部分,最近看了自己ENTP人格relationship那部分才如梦初醒。 作为不足人口3%的ENTP和INFJ,相遇已经很难。 当时与INFJ的相遇真有种寻寻觅觅终于让我遇到你的感觉。我是典型的ENTP,追求新鲜感,学十几种东西,但坚持力欠缺,有创业精神,很容易交朋友并让人喜欢,但很难维持感情。喜欢...
因为INFJ (倡导者)寻求一种深入的灵魂与灵魂层面(soul-to-soul-level)的关系,他们试图找到一个理解他们并乐于接受并给予大量温暖、感情和肯定的伴侣的关系。 理想的INFJ恋爱关系,需要智力上的契合,以及身体上的紧密联系。 ——What does an ideal relationship look like to an INFJ INFJ约会 在一段稳定的恋爱关系...
that scared him because that wasn't ready for such a serious relationship. He is an ENTP and ...
While there are weaknesses in the INFJ and INTJ relationship, there are also strengths. To make yourself motivated, focus on the strengths of your relationship. By doing so, you’ll never forget why you choose your partner. Accept Your Partner ...
INFJs and ESTPs are very different; INFJs are introverted, emotional, creative, and organized, while ESTPs are extroverted, practical, logical, and relaxed.
奉献“,卖乖是手段,讨好是目的,不会再在不相关人身上浪费俺宝贵的时间& ️,relationship前期多少...
(Ni) or maintaining the harmony of the relationship (Fe). Since INFJs can having difficulty saying no, they will often opt to oblige others, even while inwardly regretting doing so. INFJs may experience similar issues in school. INFJs are disposed to questioning the veracity of what the ...
Advocates see intimacy as a way to express their love and to make their partners happy. They cherish not just the act of being in a relationship, but what it means to become one with another person in mind, body, and soul. INFJ把亲密行为视为表达爱的方式,是为了使伴侣愉悦开心。INFJ享受的...
上一次还小,不会考虑relationship那部分,最近看了自己ENTP人格relationship那部分才如梦初醒。 作为不足人口3%的ENTP和INFJ,相遇已经很难。 当时与INFJ的相遇真有种寻寻觅觅终于让我遇到你的感觉。我是典型的ENTP,追求新鲜感,学十几种东西,但坚持力欠缺,有创业精神,很容易交朋友并让人喜欢,但很难维持感情。喜欢...