INFJ and ESFP INFJ and ISTP INFJ and ISFP INFJ and ENTJ INFJ and ENTP INFJ and INTJ INFJ and INTP INFJ and ENFJ INFJ and INFJ INFJ and ENFP INFJ and INFP INFJ Relationships and Dating The INFJ personality type takes their personal relationships very seriously. They place a lot of importanc...
In the MBTI, there is a notion that theENTPis the best partner in love and friendship for theINFJ. While it is perfectly possible that any pair of Myers Briggs types can build a happy, satisfying relationship, there is reason to believe that certain type matches may fair better than others...
Shoko Komi, from Komi Can't Communicate, is a quiet and socially anxious high school student who longs for friendship. As an INFJ, her empathy and genuine care for others draw people towards her, even though she struggles to express herself. Shoko's determination to overcome her social anxiet...
Guest Post by Andrew, ENTJ Star Wars Introverted Intuition (Ni):Yoda is future-focused, and encourages everyone else to be the same way. He understands the consequences of failure in every circumstance (if Count Dooku is not apprehended, the Clone Wars will only be bloodier than they otherwise...
I thought maybe enfj, entj, even infj. Mostly because she has a type of presence, a kind of dominant personality that doesn’t remind me of intj. But I just don’t know. She looks definitely like an Ni type. Ignas says December 10, 2018 at 5:31 pm Here’s another one, possibly...
Edit: Also I'm a Libra and she's a Scorpio if that matters. You think you clash? I'm an ENTJ and my wife is the exact opposite ISFP lol. We've been happily married for 11 years now, so common ground can be found. Quote 03...
(thankfully nobody has done so in the comments though). He's definitely an INFJ. He's so INFJ that I've come to better understand INFJs because of him whereas before I used to think of INFJs as very puzzling and it was always hard for me to understand the motivations behind their ...
When you sense an affinity with someone based on shared values and ideals, you become a warm, sensitive, and sought-after friend. But the connection has to be there. You are often guilty of throwing out perfectly healthy relationships because they fall short of your friendship gold standard: ...