In JavaScript, Infinity is a special numeric value that represents positive infinity, which is a concept used to denote a value that is larger than any finite number. It is often used to represent mathematical concepts like division by zero or values that exceed the range of representable ...
2*Number.MAX_VALUE;// => Infinity Math.pow(10,1000);// => Infinity 5.4 Math functions Some functions ofMathnamespace in JavaScript can return infinite numbers. Here are a few examples: constnumbers=[1,2]; constempty=[]; Math.max(...numbers);// => 2 ...
Infinity === -Infinity; // => false JSt有一个特殊的函数Number.isFinite(value),用于检查提供的值是否有限数: Number.isFinite(Infinity); // => false Number.isFinite(-Infinity); // => false Number.isFinite(999); // => true 4. 无穷的的使用情况 当我们需要初始化涉及数字比较的计算时,无穷...
代码语言:javascript 复制 Infinity===Infinity;// => true-Infinity===-Infinity;// => true 但前面的符号不一样就不相等,就也很好理解: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Infinity===-Infinity;// => false JSt有一个特殊的函数Number.isFinite(value),用于检查提供的值是否有限数: ...
在Js中,对于任何未初始化的东西,它的值都是undefined。undefined的类型就是undefined NaN 首先需要注意大小写,Js中定义的是NaN,而不是NAN Js中使用NaN(通常被称为非数字,Not a Number)来表示它无法表示的数值结果,如0/0 NaN是Js中唯一一个与自身不相等的值,即NaN != NaN。实际上,NaN与任何东西(包括它自身...
This value behaves slightly differently than mathematical infinity; seeNumber.POSITIVE_INFINITYfor details. As defined by the ECMAScript 5 specification,Infinityis read-only (implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5 / Firefox 4). Examples Using Infinity ...
只是ES的规定 Division of a nonzero finite value by a zero results in a signed infinity. The ...
The positive infinity value in JavaScript is the same as the positive value of the global "Infinity" property.Note: If you try to access it using x.POSITIVE_INFINITY, where 'x', is a variable, it will return undefined.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax of JavaScript Number POSITIVE_INFINITY ...