Infinity the game是一款科幻模型战棋游戏。由Corvus Belli 制作发行。玩家将指挥一支特种部队,奋战在180年后的阴云密布的人类世界。
Aristeia!即竞技场,是一款基于Infinity The Game背景的独立桌游。故事发生在Infinity The Game时间线稍早些的时候。Aristeia!是人类领域中最受欢迎的竞技性影视节目,没有之一。来自各个势力的参赛者们聚集在被称为HexDome的舞台上,竞争名为Bahadur的冠军宝座。
Infinity: Objective and Game Summary Infinity is a competitive game that pits two rival armies against each other in a struggle to complete a series of tactical objectives. The game has a duration of three rounds, or ends when the units of a player have been eliminated. Mission details and ...
现在,这两兄妹组成了一个团队。“疤脸”冲锋在前,直冲敌人,后面跟着科迪莉娅,二人组中的上帝(Jiminy Cricket)[3]时刻准备着修理东西,让她粗心的哥哥摆脱困境。 设定图 其他 Infinity the Game的bootleg产品线曾经出品过相关的模型。
视频为口述讲解为主,从游戏故事背景到游戏风格,进行简介,帮助新玩家入坑! 录制不易,请三连支持!感谢维基 官网 写表器 总规则、赛季任务 可在群里下载! 展开更多...
DISCLAIMER: This wiki is in no way shape, or form associated with Disney, or any affiliates or owners of Disney Infinity. This is an open-source wiki run by fans for informational purposes only.
DISCLAIMER: This wiki is in no way shape, or form associated with Disney, or any affiliates or owners of Disney Infinity. This is an open-source wiki run by fans for informational purposes only.
Infinity Game·解 现实世界 泷尉·韩美波·海安·陆笑晴 书中世界 Dwarven Defender 00· Dwarven Defender 01 ·Dwarven Defender 02· Dwarven Defender 09 · Dwarven Defender 12 旧世界 蒂缇亚· 伊利亚 · 旧神 ·岳柏诚· 夏深雪 ·夏云 衍生
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