Infinity Runner Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 3.75Average rating 3.75 stars out of five stars from 917 ratings 917 ratings 42% 22% 17% 8% 11% Game and Legal Info The Infinity is the largest spaceship ever built by man-kind flung into the void of space to secure humanity ...
HK$86.00 评级 Infinity Runner (英文版) 全球玩家评价 3.76平均评价3.76颗星(满分5颗星,913个评价) 913个评价 42% 22% 17% 8% 11% 游戏和法律信息 The Infinity是人 类有史以来建造过最大的宇宙飞船,被派往虚无缥缈的太空深处,为人类在星际开拓新家园。然而,The Infinity不但没有找到新的乐土,船上的居民...
Infinity Runner HD Wales Interactive 动作与冒险 12+ 中度暴力 The Infinity is the largest spaceship ever built by man-kind; flung into the void of space to secure humanity a new home amongst the stars. However, instead of discovering paradise, the inhabitants of The Infinity unlocked ...
Infinity Runner Wales Interactive•動作與冒險 輔導級 15 歲 此內容已遭鎖定 描述 The Infinity is the largest spaceship ever built by man-kind; flung into the void of space to secure humanity a new home amongst the stars. However, instead of discovering paradise, the inhabitants of The Infinity...
未知区域的冒险《Infinity Runner》VR游戏现已上架 Infinity 是一艘宇宙飞船的名字,所以这个故事就发生在宇宙空间里,Infinity 是人类有史以来制造的最大的宇宙飞船;它是人类为了在漫漫宇宙中寻找新家而打造的。但是,没有发现天堂,Infinity 飞船反而打开了早已被遗忘的噩梦。
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Experience the art book and music soundtrack from Wales Interactive's sci-fi action game Infinity Runner. The 54 page art book features unseen behind the scenes concept work used in the creation of the game and is a real insight into the developers minds