72.61万总市值-0.02市盈率TTM 0.000最高价0.000最低价0股成交量0.000今开0.008昨收0.00成交额0.00%换手率亏损市盈率(静)9076.11万总股本0.00852周最高-0.02市净率71.59万流通值0.00852周最低--股息TTM8948.50万流通股104.000历史最高--股息率TTM0.00%振幅0.008历史最低--平均价1股每手 ...
Infinity(R)燃料电芯和氢公司,提供了专为未来太空飞行任务设计的7千瓦氢氧燃料电芯 2024年10月14日,位于康涅狄格州温莎的Infinity Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Inc.今天宣布已经发运第二批可用于太空飞行的质子交换膜(PEM)氢燃料电池。 Accesswire10/14 18:00 行业更新:医疗保健 周三下午晚些时候,医疗保健股走低,纽约...
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Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (INFI) 0.008-0.009 (-52.38%)09-29 15:59 Open:0.016 High:0.01115 Volume:2,476,982 Pre. Close:0.0168 Low:0.0056 Market Cap:1(M) Technical analysis 2024-01-05 4:59:03 PM Short term Mid term Targets6-month :01-year :0.01 ...
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证券代码 INFI.O 证券名称 Infinity Pharmaceuticals Inc ISIN代码 SEDOL代码 证券类型 美股 曾用名 上市时间 2000-07-27 上市国家/地区 美国 上市交易所 纳斯达克交易所 主承销商 Chase Securities Inc.,Lehman Brothers Inc.,UBS War 货币单位 USD 交易状态 在市 摘牌日期 ...
Trade-Ideas LLC identified Infinity Pharmaceuticals (INFI) as a strong on high relative volume candidate
Valuation from Historical Multiples The most quantitative of the three Y-Rating Components, the Valuation from Historical Multiples uses past data to determine if a stock is under or over valued. The formula develops a “fair value” price that is then compared to the current price to determine...
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (INFI) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call November 14, 2022 8:30 AM ETCompany ParticipantsJayne Kauffman - Senior Executive...