how to Insert Infinity Symbol Text in Word Below are the two easy steps to insert this symbol in Word. On theInserttab, click theSymbolbutton and chooseMore Symbols… These few clicks will display the Symbol dialog box. Now it’s time to hunt for the symbol you want to insert. ...
WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语中文 infinityn(indefinitely large number)SCSimplified Chinese无穷数wú qióng shù TCTraditional Chinese無窮 SCSimplified Chinese无穷大的数wú qióng shù ,wú qióng dà de shù The symbol for infinity looks like a number 8 on its side...
In the above method, we use decimal code along with alt keys in keyboard. Alternatively, you can also use hexadecimal value with alt code. But this method will work only in Microsoft Word documents. Type the hexadecimal value 221E and then press alt + x keys together to make infinity sym...
Oxford Collocations Dictionary (symbol∞) [uncountable, countable](mathematics)a number larger than any other The number tends towards infinity. TopicsMaths and measurementc1 Oxford Collocations Dictionary [singular]a large amount that is impossible to count ...
The infinity symbol is a mathematical symbol that represents an infinitely large number.The infinity symbol is written with the Lemniscate symbol:∞It represents an infinitely positive big number.When we want to write an infinitely negative number we should write:-∞...
Learn about the definition of infinity in math and the infinity math symbol. Discover if infinity is a number. Understand the use of the infinity...
where each d is a digit, that is, a symbol representing zero or one of the first nine natural numbers, and the subscript is an index specifying the position of the digit in the number. The ± indicates that the sign may be either + or −. The period after d0 is called the decimal...
Infinity symbol Infinity symbol Infinity Technology International Ltd. infinity transmitter Infinity Transportation Group Infinity TXT Infinity Ward Infinity Web and Software Solutions Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers Infinity-Esports Infinity-Shares Forex Investment Club Infinity-To-The-Power-Of-Infinity Infinity...
Symbol (for senses 4–7): ∞ Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 in•fin•i•ty (ɪnˈfɪn ɪ ti) n., pl. -ties. 1. the quality or state ...
The symbol of IRENA is ablueinfinitysignsurrounding the world, representing the potential of infinite energy supply [...] 国际可再生能源机构的标志为蓝色环绕世界的无限标志,寓意采用可再生能 源带来的能源供应的无限潜力。