Join over 10 million players who use the CurseForge app!Download App Now Infinity - Fabric ByNightBreak__ Modpacks 509,539 Description Introduce This is a combat, adventure, high-difficulty modpack. During the Journey of Infinity, you can craft powerful weapons and equipment to become a weapon...
This is a combat, adventure, high-difficulty modpack. During the Journey of Infinity, you can craft powerful weapons and equipment to become a weapon master, or learn magic or alchemy, become a magician or alchemist. But that's just part of your journey, and in the world of Infinity, th...
Infinity Evolved: Reloaded中一些标志性的模组包括:Thermal Foundation/Expansion/Dynamics、Applied Energistics 2、Bewitchment(Witchery的继任者)、Biomes 'O Plenty、Thaumcraft、Draconic Evolution、Forestry、Magic Bees和Gendustry、Industrial Craft 2、RFTools(维度)等等!请查看我们的模组列表。 几乎所有东西都保留了原有...
Infinity 1.7是The FTB Team制作的一个整合包,同时在 Feed The Beast 和CurseForge 上发布。和1.6.4的Monster、1.5.2的FTB Unleashed、1.4.7的FTB Ultimate类似,Infinity包含的MOD数量巨大(超过150个),也没有特定的玩法。它本身面向那些想体验各种不同风格的MOD的一般玩家,以及各种中小型服务器。由于其MOD数量众多...
整合包下载地址: 模组数量:255 萌新开服推荐【cv29041774】 汉化补丁集合站: 整合包剧情内容【大世界生存】: > 包括标志性的专家模式! > 250+个任务!特别鸣谢Aaronhowser1制作了原始任务。
FTB Infinity Evolved (originally named Infinity) is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack by The FTB Team. Like Monster for 1.6.4, FTB Unleashed for 1.5.2, and FTB Ultimate for 1.4.7, this modpack is a general-purpose modpack containing over 150 mods.
Step oneDownload CurseForge Step two Finish installation& set up Step three Click to installthe mod Lactosecraft Infinity & Beyond Bynovadoxx Modpacks 206 Description This is a larger sized modpack, this pack focuses on exploration, decoration, magic, tech and food. Also theres a hint of horr...
The goal of this pack is to craft the item known as "Infinity", upon which you have completed the pack! In order to reach this goal, you will need traverse through a couple of different mods, such as Crossroads, Assembly Line Machines, Occultism, Nature's Aura and Futurepack. A couple...
Infinity Matter Dominator Sword mod: Old: New: Ultimate Weapons mod: ...
整合包下载地址: 模组数量:255 萌新开服推荐【cv29041774】 汉化补丁集合站: 整合包剧情内容【大世界生存】: > 包括标志性的专家模式! > 250+个任务!特别鸣谢Aaronhowser1制作了原始任务。