Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Daiis based on the spin-offDragon Quest The Adventure of Daimanga and anime series. Players control one of the playable characters and attack, defend, and dodge enemies while having access to various skills and spells. Up to three regular a...
Square Enix also detailed Memento Bonds. These are items that players come across during the game that can be equipped on characters to upgrade their stats. Each Memento Bond is based on an event from the manga, and their acquisition is accompanied by a short scene showing that event. Infini...
Anime & Manga BLACK BUTLER -EMERALD WITCH ARC- Premiere Month Announced; New Key Art And Casting Revealed MattIsForReal 7 hours ago DEMON SLAYER: KIMETSU NO YAIBA INFINITY CASTLE Sets 2025 Theatrical Release MattIsForReal 7 hours ago Disne...