Infinity Blade: The Deathless Kings The Deathless Kings was the first free Infinity Blade update, and added a host of new features including: The Dungeon – Delve down beneath the castle into the dungeons, and face the enemies who lie in wait!
Infinity Blade for Android Infinity Bladefor iPhone Paid In English V1.4.1 4.1 (38) This download is no longer available. This could be due to the program being discontinued, having a security issue or for some other reason. You can download these alternatives: ...
He is being very defensive about the genres he likes, whereas I don't care. I'm not judging him based on that, but to list Infinity Blade along with Quake and Unreal shows he has a dislike for FPS. Again, his choice, but don't make out like it's a choice o...
Infinity Blade III, the latest in the mega-popular action roleplaying game series for iPad and iPhone, delivers the most sumptuous graphical experience. But while it expands the options in interesting ways, the (slickly executed) gameplay remains the same for the third game in a row. But like...
Watch the latest and greatest trailers, movies, gameplay videos, interviews, video previews of Infinity Blade
Infinity Blade v1.4.1 - 无尽之刃 中文版软件大小:588.00 MB 软件价格:¥40.00 购买正版 立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.2 以上 软件语言:简体中文 软件等级:★★★ 发布时间:2012-02-04 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:动作 软件介绍 一款由...
武器装备升级,手势魔法。 格挡,闪避,连击,动作游戏该有的,它一个不差。 酣畅淋漓的动作,华丽的场景画面。拉风的装备铠甲。 喜欢欧美动作游戏的你绝对不可以错过! 最新版1.3.1已经支持中文。支持ipad和iphone/itouch。 点此下载 115网盘 原文链接:
由虚幻3引擎打造的iPhone游戏《无尽之剑》(Infinity Blade)终将于12月9日正式与机友们见面。游戏售价...
《无尽之剑2》是一款由Chair Entertainment Group, LLC开发的动作游戏。本作为《无尽之剑》的续篇,本作使用Epic顶级的虚幻引擎3技术制作,让这个美轮美奂的3D世界拥有更加令人叹为观止的视觉效果、全新的战斗方式以及高级角色定制功能,这些更是将手持移动平台的游戏质量提升至一个新的高度。 游戏还加入了宝石镶嵌系统,...
Infinity Blade开发:Chair Entertainment Group, LLC | 网络:单机 | 类型:动作3D血腥暴力硬件杀手1134° 0 0 0 游民指数 0.0 0.0 玩家评分(0票) 安卓下载IOS下载 语言:中文版 大小:624.00 MB 版本:1.4.1(美区) 系统:iOS 3.2 上市:2012-02-03 iOS下载 ...