Select the one with an infinitive phrase functioning as an adverb: A. He opened the box to reveal a huge bullfrog. B. The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive those who have wronged us. 11 not attempted What part of speech is the infinitive phrase in bold?
An Infinitive Phrase As An Adverb When an infinitive phrase takes the role of a verb, it describes the verb in a sentence. Here the infinitive phrase will answer questions such as “why,”“when,”“how,” and so on. Examples of infinitive phrase as an adverb: ...
c. Infinitive Phrase as an Adverb When an infinitive phrase works like an adverb, it modifies the verb in a sentence. Adverbs answer questions like where, when, why, how, and for what reason/purpose, so, as an adverb, the infinitive will answer the same questions. ...
The meaning of INFINITIVE is a verb form normally identical in English with the first person singular that performs some functions of a noun and at the same time displays some characteristics of a verb and that is used with to (as in 'I asked him to go')
Learn to identify an infinitive phrase in relation to other phrases. Study its functions as a noun, adverb, and adjective. See infinitive phrase examples. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Infinitive Phrase Definition Examples of Infinitive Phrases Basic Functions of Infinitive Phrases ...
When an infinitive phrase breaks the flow of a main clause, use a comma both before and after the interrupter. Here is the pattern: Start of the Main Clause + , + Infinitive Phrase as Interrupter + , + End of the Main Clause. Read this example: Those basketball shoes, to be perfec...
Therefore, the infinitive "to set an example" is being used as an adverb. Note how "to set" is grouped with "an example." This is an infinitive phrase.) Bare Infinitives (When Not Preceded by "To") The infinitive form is not always preceded by "to." Look at these examples: I ...
o I do not want to eat this food. (infinitive phrase “to eat this food”, functioning as nominal, is the direct object of the verb “want”). o We would like you to return quickly. (adverbial infinitive phrase “to return quickly, modifying the verb “like”, carries the adverb modi...
Infinitive used as an adverb usually occurs at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. However, this does not wholly explain how we can identify... Learn more about this topic: Infinitive Phrase | Definition, Functions & Examples
The infinitive verbal and, by extension, the infinitive phrase have three functions in a sentence. The infinitive phrase can act as an adverb, anadjective, or a noun in a sentence. Let’s look at each of these in more detail. When an infinitive phrase functions as anoun, it can be a...